25. May 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

When are we gonna finally get a lactose-intolerant winner?

Well, since March 4, 1933 and the Twentieth Amendment, the US Presidential Inauguration has been on my Birthday, January 20.

My first was Eisenhower’s second. And I just watched parts of Obama’s second today. Things have changed, as they always do.

The fact that it can be done without eruptions of violence in such a huge country is what make us one of the largest countries where something resembling ‘democracy’ actually can happen.



The ‘joy’ of paper free billing; or the ‘convenience’ of automatic bill payment

Convenient to whom? More like automatic bank account hoovering!
(aka vacuuming.)

“You can save time and never worry about missing a payment.”

Translation: You can forget about your bill while we continue to hike up charges in small increments that you won’t notice or complain about.

I’m sorry. If you want me to do all your work for you, for free, then you can think again! Saving YOU paper, saving YOU bad check hassles, saving YOU bookkeeping staff expenses with your same overall crappy products and service?

And some of you want to CHARGE us to send a bill if we DON’T accept this!

How can you live with yourself? Seriously.

Oh, come on, another 3 cent rise in my Verizon bill? Talk about being nickeled and dimed to death!

And what it up with all things controlled by some corporation? Olympics were a joke, with anything not a paid sponsor disallowed even on your t-shirt?

Try and find someone who will accept responsibility for the product you bought. Haha, good luck with that.
Comcrap/NBC, et al are also trying to limit what we can see and hear on ‘their’ services. Verizon and other carriers limit your ‘unlimited’ service, and are in collusion with Comcast and other cable companies to rope you into their black hole that gets every dollar in and lets no dissenting or alternates out.
This country will become a fiefdom of a handfull of corporations in time. It will be a second Dark Ages. Mitt, who mainlines the KewlAid, will be a bit player, and the President will completely succumb as well, since the RIAA/MPAA already seem to have him in tow.

Corporate Health Care, what a travesty.

Would you want Comcast or Verizon to be what you have to deal with to get a doctor to answer a question about a medication you are taking?
That is what we are getting.

Numbers to call with layers of phone hell, and if it is an emergency, just dial 911. THAT is health care.

A doctor who uses the wrong last name for you and has a receptionist calling for you with it? THAT is health care.

Welcome to CaritasChristi, the Corporate Factory Medicine leader.

23. July 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

Passwords diktat-ed (length, rules) by the receiver, with All your crap on the web at the whim of your password and the Corporation who will grant you access based on the aforementioned password, and possibly own the ‘series of tubes’ that you use to get access. Oh, Holy Cluster! We are ALL Boned!

12. July 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

For the areas that politicians of either ilk refuse to discuss until after an election, Healthcare, Medicare, and Social Security, I would love to see a bill proposed that any changes to these require that all (previous, current and future) Senators and Representatives be put into these systems as ordinary Americans, and that any special programs be closed permanently.

09. July 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

A “lasts 6 times longer” claim on a 3-way CFL lamp is total rubbish.
I also had a FEIT LED night light that failed in less than a year.

Their products are trash – albeit I doubt other brands are truly any better than the hype, and cost even more.
I did just buy some more 40W incandecents (which I know will fail soon, but at least I am not given pie-in-the-sky claims of years versus hours and charged more for one bulb than all 4 old-style ones. I seriously doubt any other ‘brand’ is any better.

Truly sad that Corporate ‘persons’ trump humans and truth.

08. July 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF


Even worse than braindead Verizon FiOs crap ($45 to replace the ‘backup battery’ that I don’t give a rat’s ass about if FiOs goes down, it WON’T HELP if the connection is down!), is the crap spewed by them and Comcrap about their service.



02. May 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

If NationalGrid and NStar are allowed to merge, we are all DOOMED to Web/Phone Retarded options that PRETEND to be customer service, but are really meant to employ as few people as possible and increase CEO & Executive bonuses, parachutes, and perks.

I think that stockholders for Corporations like NationalGrid, Verizon, Comcast, even my own employer and their Healthcare ‘providers’  are really only the few individuals holding stocks under who know how many ruses or shell corporations. They would be the same folks who wanted every employee of a company with a 401k plan (most now) to put their retirement funds INTO THE STOCK MARKET, so that it could be manipulated to these stockholders’ benefit, workers be damned. Cheney/BushII even tried to dump Social Security into the maw of Wall Street greed.

We all know that only those with money, and lawyers, ever profit from the humongous corporations that rule our lives. Even medical care, or perhaps especially medical care, has also now succumbed to this ‘treatment’. Try and contact anyone who can help with your question – it won’t be your doctor, who, like everything, now hides behind impenetrable barriers to deflect all questions or concerns from paying customers/clients/patients/users.

I find this to be shameful, hurtful, maybe even criminal in some cases.

The onlybelieveable excuse is the PROFIT of the FEW.