02. May 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

If NationalGrid and NStar are allowed to merge, we are all DOOMED to Web/Phone Retarded options that PRETEND to be customer service, but are really meant to employ as few people as possible and increase CEO & Executive bonuses, parachutes, and perks.

I think that stockholders for Corporations like NationalGrid, Verizon, Comcast, even my own employer and their Healthcare ‘providers’  are really only the few individuals holding stocks under who know how many ruses or shell corporations. They would be the same folks who wanted every employee of a company with a 401k plan (most now) to put their retirement funds INTO THE STOCK MARKET, so that it could be manipulated to these stockholders’ benefit, workers be damned. Cheney/BushII even tried to dump Social Security into the maw of Wall Street greed.

We all know that only those with money, and lawyers, ever profit from the humongous corporations that rule our lives. Even medical care, or perhaps especially medical care, has also now succumbed to this ‘treatment’. Try and contact anyone who can help with your question – it won’t be your doctor, who, like everything, now hides behind impenetrable barriers to deflect all questions or concerns from paying customers/clients/patients/users.

I find this to be shameful, hurtful, maybe even criminal in some cases.

The onlybelieveable excuse is the PROFIT of the FEW.

02. May 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

I ditched RoboForm kinda, because it had some annoyances  such as being unclear which password was being offered for a site, or having it ask to save or use  at awkward times, or completely losing track of sites that change from one page to some java or flash popup crap.  And I blame the sites, too. They keep annoying me too.

So I tried LastPass. It worked OK in a test or two, but I find the same problems with it as RoboForm, and in addition it doesn’t let me ever see the underlying actual password/login combo in clear text like RoboForm did.

NOW I am torn about moving back, because RoboForm might be doing a switcheroo to something similar with their online offer for something.If you have either and can mention options or how-to examples, please comment here! (And Thanks!)

More rubbish is the norm.

02. May 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: WTF

So, I’m thinking about how much I hate the beastie boys when their song comes up on the radio and then I thought about how I don’t really do current stuff like I used to, like Twitter or Facebook. And then I think about how they aren’t marketing to me anyway, but young people, but many of the ones I know at work in their 30’s don’t either and then I realize they aren’t the ones for that market either. And then I think my friend with the new grandchild isn’t either, but maybe his daughter is. And then I think that my friends with kids had them rather later than traditionally happens. And then I think that if I had had kids when I was married they would be in their 30’s almost by now and then I thought, ok, have a beer and stop thinking.